Leap Motion Lightning Talk

I gave a quick 5-10 minute lightning talk at the Ann Arbor .Net Group tonight about the Leap Motion.  It was a brief introduction to the device and it’s capabilities, as well as a couple of demos.

The slideshow has Leap Controls built into it, so you can perform a KeyTap gesture to go to the next slide, or a ScreenTap for the previous slide, as well as swiping in any direction there is a slide.

Google also recently announced they had integrated the Leap Motion controller into Google Earth, and so I gave a demo of Google Earth, although I had quite a bit of trouble controlling it in front of the audience.  It requires quite a bit of focus to use successfully.

The slides can be found here:

The code to control a Reveal.JS Slideshow with Leap Motion gestures can be found here: https://github.com/localpcguy/LeapReveal

Some additional resources are: