Vanilla JavaScript vs. Framework Functions

Had a quick conversation at work today about whether or not it was good to use built-in framework functions for tasks that are simple to write in vanilla JavaScript. For example:



typeof fn === 'function'

I’ve tended to do the vanilla JavaScript, but while checking if something is a function is almost identical in complexity/length, while others can be (slightly) more complex:



yourVariable !== null && typeof yourVariable === 'object'

Still, either way is pretty readable, and fairly clear what it is doing. I wonder if this is what leads to people bashing frameworks like Angular for teaching people the “framework” rather than vanilla JavaScript, as newer coders who may not have ever had to check variable types who are learning Angular may use the framework checks without knowing how to do a similar thing in vanilla JavaScript.

I like to collect snippets that will help me, and reuse them where appropriate. This probably tends to skew me towards vanilla JavaScript, because I want my snippets to work no matter what project I am working on. For example, the following snippet gets the class (or type) of a JavaScript variable.

 * getClass - get real type of JavaScript object 
 * @param object
 * @returns {string}
function getClass(object) {
    return, -1).toLowerCase();

getClass({}) // "object"
getClass([]) // "array"
getClass(function(){}) // "function"
getClass('') // "string"
getClass(1) // "number"

I came away from the conversation thinking there was not one right way. If you are writing an app with the help of of a framework, there is nothing wrong with using the tools the framework provides. At the same time, it shouldn’t become a crutch where a framework is needed because a developer isn’t comfortable doing the same thing in vanilla JavaScript.